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Tip-toeing mouldy veils,
long hung in shroudy past
Invading noses with rotten onions,
Overstayed,unwelcome visitors

The sticky, faded amorphic tablets 
peeling graffiti of illegible syllables
on tenets that glued communities,
prevarications hoodwinking progenies

Along arduous prickly spoors,
many a man wandered astray
in dense thickets of dire ignorance,
hooded by veils of expired aeons.

A chorus from bespectacled owls,
compliment verses of craggy sorcerers
and hysteric witches lighting a bonfire,
for a feast on tender tendons.

They subjugate infirm bosoms,
deities of dark eerie caves
where fear rules the roost
on deviants from covenants of old

In labyrinths they breed en-mass
cursed legions of demented demons
for initiation to mission destruction
in churches and shrines alike.

They still dance, the stalky shadows,
mimicking wizards in outworn garbs
on frequent visits by middle of night ,
for curse jabs of ceaseless misfortune 

They stalk, the mouldy veils
desperate to etch hideous blemishes
on quacky world of splintered opinions
in marathon nights of creepy shades. 

 J.M. @Savannah Inks 
- Zimbabwe
© 2023

The poet persona leaks the secrets of churches that portray indecent activities like prostitution, bribery, rituals, stealing and others.


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